白鷺杯 The White Heron Cup
(大広間 夜)
Reception Hall | Evening
アロイス: ……はいッ! お集まりの紳士淑女の皆様、大変長らくお待たせしました!!
Alois: Ladies and gentlemen! My sincerest apologies for the wait!
Thank you for gathering here on the eve of the highly anticipated ball to bear witness to...
The academy-wide dance competition! Welcome to the White Heron Cup!
The competition will be judged by...me! Your humble servant, Alois Rangeld! And also...
The acclaimed former songstress of the Mittelfrank Opera Company, Manuela Casagranda!
マヌエラ: よろしく。当然だけれど、あたくしは自分の学級を贔屓したりしないからね?
Manuela: Yes, yes, thank you. Oh, and it should go without saying, but I swear to show no bias to my own house. Got it? Good.
アロイス: そして、漆黒の闇に舞う華麗なる刺客、シャミア=ネーヴラント!!
Alois: Last but not least, the glamorous assassin who does all of her dancing in the dead of night...Shamir Nevrand!
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: Hmph.
アロイス: 以上3名により、厳正公平に判定いたします!
Alois: The three of us swear on our honor to judge the following proceedings with utmost impartiality and fairness!
And with that, will the representatives of each house please make their way to the stage!
アロイス: さあ、お三方! 楽団の方々も!準備はよろしいですかな?
それでは! ……お願いします!!
Alois: Contestants! Are you ready to dance? And is the band prepared to play?
Very well... BEGIN!
アロイス: 終~了~!!
Alois: TIME! That's all, folks!
Splendid! All three of you were fantastic! Now, let's hear what the judges have to say...
マヌエラ: あたくしは……
Manuela: Oh my, let's see. I suppose I have no choice but to vote for...
The Black Eagle House./ The Blue Lion House./ The Golden Deer House.
Your performance was...exhilarating. My heart is still beating a mile a minute.
Your performance was artistic. Beautiful eve.
I must say I was surprised by your...inventive style.
Keep practicing and you could really shine out there.
シャミア: 私は……
Shamir: I vote for...
The Black Eagle House./ The Blue Lion House./ The Golden Deer House.
The way you carried yourself was striking.
You were most original.
Can't say why.
アロイス: なるほど! 更に私アロイスの判定も加味しまして……はい、決まりました!
Alois: Great feedback, both of you! Well then, let's see... Factoring my own humble opinion... Yes!
We have a winner! And I will announce who it is...right now! Without any delay! The winner of this year's White Heron Cup is...
The Black Eagle House!
The Blue Lion House!
The Golden Deer House!
The student who won will say their respective line
エーデルガルト: 何であれ勝ったのは嬉しいわ。
Edelgard: Well, a victory is a victory.
ヒューベルト: 判定人の正気を疑いますな……。
Hubert: I am not sure the judges are in their right minds...
フェルディナント: ふっ、貴族には当然の結果さ。
Ferdinand: Haha! As expected of someone as accomplished as myself.
リンハルト: あれー……面倒が増えなきゃいいけど。
Linhardt: Oh? Well, just so long as nothing else is expected from me.
カスパル: おっしゃああ! よくわからんが勝った!
Caspar: I won? I won! How did I win?!
ベルナデッタ: え? 本気で? ベルが? でへへへ……。
Bernadetta: Bernie? Are you sure? Heh...heh...
ドロテア: 歌姫の面目躍如、といったところかしら。
Dorothea: I wonder if I can use this to bolster my singing career...
ペトラ: 踊り、世界、共通……証明しました。
Petra: Everywhere, dancing is dancing. This is the proof.
ディミトリ: 俺が? ……信じられんな。
Dimitri: I won? There must be some mistake...
ドゥドゥー: 待て……冗談では、ないのだな……?
Dedue: Is this a joke?
フェリクス: フン、つまらん……。
Felix: Nonsense.
アッシュ: え? 僕が優勝でいいんですか……?
Ashe: Are you sure this is OK?
シルヴァン: はは、期待には応えねえとな!
Sylvain: Heh heh heh! I knew I had it in me!
メルセデス: あらあら、私? 嬉しいわね~。
Mercedes: Oh, really? How lovely!
アネット: えへへ……あたし、やりましたよ!
Annette: I did it! Go me!
イングリット: ええと……いま一つ、実感が湧きませんね。
Ingrid: Oh. Um. Sorry. I really didn't see this coming.
クロード: 秘めたる才能が開花しちまったか。
Claude: Ah, what a burden to be great at everything!
ローレンツ: はーはっは! 流石は僕だな!
Lorenz: Haha! As expected!
ラファエル: え、オデ? えーと……何でだ?
Raphael: Me? Uh, really?
イグナーツ: 自信なかったんですけど……嬉しいです!
Ignatz: Can't say I had much confidence going in, but this is great!
リシテア: 他の二人に比べれば、そうでしょうね。
Lysithea: Yes, it was the logical choice. My dancing was superior.
マリアンヌ: え、あの……恥ずかしい……。
Marianne: Oh dear... This is a bit embarrassing.
ヒルダ: やったー! 何が貰えるんでしたっけー。
Hilda: Perfect! Where's the prize? There is a prize, right?
レオニー: 嘘だろ……わたし、才能があったのか。
Leonie: I can dance? Huh!
フレン: ま、わたくし!? お稽古の賜物ですわね!
Flayn: Have I prevailed? Oh, most glorious! My practice was not in vain!
ユーリス: まあ、当然の結果だよな。
Yuri: Heh, not surprised.
バルタザール: だっはっは、勝っちまったか!
Balthus: Heh, another win for the Twinkle-Toed King of Grappling!
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほ! 当然ですわ!
Constance: Ahaha! What other outcome could there have been?
ハピ: ホントに? うわー、びっくりじゃん。
Hapi: Whoa. Didn't see that one coming.
アロイス: それでは最後に、参加してくれた生徒たちに、いま一度、盛大な拍手をー!
Alois: Once more, please give a big round of applause for our talented participants!